![LONELY GiRL [ME] Pictures, Images and Photos](http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj131/KiSSY-KRiSSY/lonely.jpg)
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
1st g cAmPing!!!
aq baru terpikir nk StOrY cket sal camp aq pegi ari sabtu n ahad lepas iaitu bertarikh 1 dan 2 mei,hurm,1st nk pergi tu memang la tkot n eXcItEd pon ada r gak bercampur2 perasaan xD pastu tempat camp nih kat sepang nama tempat dye kem NUR BUKIT UNGGUL...nOt bAd n memang hAvOc gler la dengan fasi2 yang memang sPoRtIng abis (ko ada) hahaha xD pastu first time gak aq jungle tracking n masOk hutan.pastu malam ari sabtu tu aq tiba2 cm rindu sangat kt family aq n rasa cm tkejOt kot n nangis hehe..ain pon nangis gak sbb dye x selesa n bad mOoD (kte sme) pastu c Emy ni lah yang jdik tukang pUjuK nyer hahaha xD bler ingat balik cm lawak gle n cam rse nk g lagi la...n aq nk say thanks kat koag n mira pon malam tu teman kteoag cll2 sume n every sEcOnD tExt kami tanye wat pe,thanks bAbE...mknn kt sana memang TIPTOP la sedap gle x) n cm nk g lagi la coz peluang hanya datang sekali so,jangan lepaskan n aq da dapat sesuatu yang baru dalam idop aq yang x boleh beli kat mane2 pon ;)
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Friendship is the perfection of love,
and superior to love : it is love..
love is blind,
friendship closes its eyes,
a friend is one who know us,
but loves us anyway..
a loves at all time,
friendship is love without his wings!!
friend show their love in times of trouble..
friendship often ends in love,
but love in friendship,never..
however rare true love may be,
it is less so than true friendship...

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